
Saturday 1 April 2017

Saturday Spotlight - Laura Bassen


I thought it might be fun to start a new feature on my blog called Saturday Spotlight. What's this I hear you ask? Well over the last few years I've met a lot of different crafters and also 'found' them on Pinterest or Blogs or Intsagram or Facebook.
Because there are so many different talented people out there, sometimes we are bound to miss some, so I thought it would be a great idea to introduce you to some of the people that have inspired, influenced or just outright amazed me.

Some of these people may be familiar to you, but hopefully I'll expand your horizons a little and introduce you to someone new! Also, since obviously there are talented people out there that I haven't come across too, please feel free to make suggestions as to others out there that you think would be good to spotlight. I can't promise that I will (I already have quite a long list lol), but I will certainly go check them out if they are new to me.

So for my very first Spotlight Saturday I'm going to talk about

I've never actually met Laura in person and I've not been on any design team's with her, but after seeing some of her work on Pinterest, I followed her YouTube channel and then her blog and Instagram.

Laura's work is fantastic, it usually involves great use of bright colour, clean and simple design and often innovative features. Much of my recent love for ink blending is inspired by this lady.

I've included below some of MY favourite pieces of Laura's work, and also links to her blog and social media.

SSS-My Kind of Peep card by Laura Bassen using the March Card Kit:

SSS-You Matter:

Love You to Pieces:

#Repost @laurafadora with @repostapp ・・・ Another gorgeous STAMPtember…:

Not only does Laura make some fabulous creations, but her personality on YouTube is a hoot! Even if I wasn't a fan of her work I think I would watch her on YT just for fun as she never fails to cheer me up. She's a bit of a waffler like me which I can totally relate to, but she's just sooo funny and her love of her family really shines through.

You can find Laura's work on her

YouTube Channel

So I hope that you've enjoyed the first in my series, and that I may have introduced you to someone you weren't aware of or re-awakened your interest. Even if not, I will have many other wonderful crafters in my spotlight over the next few weeks, so you may spot people you know, someone new and exciting (to you at least), or maybe even yourself! Who knows?!

Thanks for dropping by


  1. Nice touch Linda, it's nice to see this back in blogland...Laura's work is fabulous...xx

  2. A lovely idea Linda to showcase other's work that has inspired and caught your interest. Some beautiful examples here too but the links are not showing on your blog unfortunately.

    1. Thank you so much for pointing that out Lorraine, I'd completely missed it. Links should now be active! :) xx

  3. What a lovely idea Linda! I'll have to pop over and check out her You Tube channel. It's always fun to discover a new crafter! Thanks hunny. Hugs, Wends xoxo


I love to read your comments and feedback and every one left is read and appreciated. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have, I will always do my best to answer them. Thanks for visiting!

Linda xx