
Friday 20 February 2015

Red Riding Hood

Good evening! I'm very late with my post today as my daughter has been visiting and we've been spending mother daughter time together until she went home today (and I'm missing her already). So it was a big rush to get this ready in time. 

Luckily I already had the image coloured as I was practicing my pencil work.  I have to admit that while I'm happy with my colouring I will redo the image as the paper (which was one of several I bought to try out, ended up being far too soft for this technique and as you can see the paper started coming away and 'splitting' a little. Which doesn't look tooooo bad on the cloak as it looks a little like velvet, but I'm not happy with it so I will redo and replace the image on the card later.

Colours used:

Skin: 285, 179, 188, 189, 132, 132, 103, 101, 131(blush)
Hair:, 199, 274, 271, 270, 101
Outfit: 199, 274, 271, 225, 219, 121, 101

I went for a slightly darker look here, some of the Brother's Grimm tales are quite gruesome, so I added in some black and the clock? well I kept remembering that old school playground game 'What's the Time Mr Wolf' lol.

I used the following products:

The ribbon, charm, lace and pearl trim are all from the Ribbon Girl

Well that's it from me today, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :) xx


  1. Luv it a gorgeous design
    Chris x

  2. This is so gorgeous! Your colours are fabulous and love the the rhyme is great!

  3. Gorgeous card Linda!
    I wouldn't change a thing.
    Hugs, t.

  4. wonderful card
    Love red color card

  5. This card has a spectacular look, Linda! Love the deep colors and your coloring technique in pencils. Seems like you are ok with any coloring medium at all ;)


  6. Well, I don't see a thing wrong with the coloring of your image, Linda. I love this card! The dark colors are so warm--perfect to offset the cold of winter. Love that clock and fence. Truly beautiful!

  7. Gorgeous card LInda love the image and fabulous colour's you have used and a wonderful design have a lovely weekend
    Dianne xx :)

  8. Your colouring looks stunning to me! I love the dark colours, they suit the beautiful image so perfectly.

  9. Truly beautiful in it's design and details. Beautiful colouring, I love the darker colours.

  10. This is absolutely amazing and I can't see any splits in the paper. You are absolutely right her cloak looks like velvet! A truly beautiful card and lovely design (as always).
    Gina xx

  11. Oh poo. Just realized I accidentally switched blog posts. I kept looking at this stunning card. Your coloring is gorgeous. ♡♡♡

  12. Well I have this stamp but had not much of a clue on what to do with her but you have done an AMAZING job on her. Bummer about the rip but you can't see it. Hope you are feeling better and have a Great Crafting week.

  13. It's great you and your daughter got to spend some quality time together.
    It's a shame you didn't like the paper you used for this image so the image didn't exactly turned out as you wanted it. I have to admit I don't see any spitting though. I think your card is amazing! :)
    Hugs! xx


I love to read your comments and feedback and every one left is read and appreciated. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have, I will always do my best to answer them. Thanks for visiting!

Linda xx